Wie es war und wie es ist –
An essay on female friendship
by Georgia Haubrok
My work “Wie es war und wie es ist – An essay on female friendship” is an attempt to approach the topic of female friendship and its essential meaning for myself. This is converged on different textual and visual levels: An academic examination of (female) friendship is accompanied by personal stories and observations, a continuing dialogue and analogue photography. These photographs construct the common thread of my work, while the textual parts act as supplements to them. The main goal of the academic section is to give an overview and maybe a first encounter with the topic of friendship in a scientific sense. However, the principal cognition of the work would be the universality of the topic and its personal genesis for myself.

*The work is meant to be printed in form of a magazine in order for the reader to easily browse or skip through it.
About the Artist
Georgia Haubrok studied Media and Cultural Science and English in Cologne and did cultural programming for the Goethe-Institut in Glasgow and Berlin. She is currently doing her master’s degree in Potsdam and working as a project manager.