For a long period the coronavirus held the world firmly in its grip. During this time human life in many places and realms changed and many felt like social life had come to a halt. Yet inside the digital, the proliferation of meetings, but also concurring worldviews and explanations of an ungraspable phenomenon reached new heights. Because of the social and cultural austerity, we experienced, the significance and appreciation of life before the pandemic had been altered, causing many of us to individually re-examine the values our future lives should be based on. People say “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone”. Truth is, for many of us the coronavirus became the changing factor unfolding those yet impalpable aspects of everyday life.
In this special moment, the [anthro]metronom community collectively created this living archive of CORONA REALMS.
The aim of this collective project is to make visible the different lifeworlds and lived experiences that are constantly changing and challenged during the pandemic. We are aware that these experiences diverge immensely. Not everyone had the means, the time, and the privilege to reflect on the pandemic in this format. Nevertheless, [anthro]metronom opened up with this wish to create a space for discussion and shed a light on the multiplicity of lived experience. Scroll down and catch a glimpse of some of them!
The consumption of pizza seemed to increase during the lockout. These boxes were found in the streets of Brussels during spring 2020.
The zine Pizza in the Time of covid -19 was presented at the virtual Bangkok Art Book festival September 2020, section: Food publications.
Riitta Oittinen
Authors: Julia Faulhaber, Sophie Gregull, Lisa Maier, Eva Steinberger
Authors: Julia Faulhaber, Sophie Gregull, Lisa Maier, Eva Steinberger
Author: Anonymous
Im Jahr 2020 gab es aufgrund der Pandemielage viel Kritik an größeren Zusammenkünften wie der Black Lives Matter Demonstration am Berliner Alexanderplatz am 6. Juni. In diesem Podcast haben wir uns auf eine gedankliche Reise begeben: von Fragen zum Verständnis von CARE über politische Protestformen hin zu Gewissenskonflikten, die mit der Teilnahme an Demonstrationen einhergehen. »CARE« wird in Zeiten von Corona auf verschiedenste Art und Weise ausgeübt, empfangen und verhandelt. Wie verändert sich unser Verständnis von CARE, wenn körperlicher Abstand das Gebot der Stunde ist? Welche CARE-Bedürfnisse werden durch Beteiligung an Protesten erfüllt? Ist es verantwortungslos, in einer Pandemie auf den Straßen zusammenzukommen um zu demonstrieren?
Die Gespräche und unsere eigenen Überlegungen zeigen uns, dass hierbei auch gefragt werden muss: wäre es in bestimmten Kontexten nicht auch verantwortungslos, nicht auf die Straße zu gehen?